Labo Luxo is a brand which belong to very stylish men, showing the highest quality and smartness.


The abbreviation labo wants to mean: sartorial workshop of luxury. The shoes, made by hand in Italy with a particular interpretation of Goodyear or Rapid + blake rapid techniques, combine the best Italian materials (which are tanned on Italian or French row materials) together with the best types of leathers.

The hemming is made by the hands of very expert Italian crafts women; it’s extremely accurate and specially minimized. The Design is classic and sporty and it put particular attention on fashion’s and tailoring’s trends.


The inner part of the shoe is just like a lounge at the foot. The materials we use are the following: full-grain calfskins, goats, llamas and crocodiles. We after use row materials which then, are painted and finished by hand.

m a d e  t o  m e a s u r e


All the shoes are made to measure.
If a customer has a particular kind of foot (high instep, wide internal or external sole, hallux valgus etc) and he, helped by a seller, uses a simple Labo Luxo scheme, he could order a single pair of shoes which will fit perfectly to his foot.
Labo Luxo wants to dress only the real elegant connoisseurs and the most demanding people for what concerns perfections.

c o l l a b o r a t i o n s


For years Labo Luxo collaborated with the most prestigious fashion’s and tailoring’s brands. This as collections and samples study just as productions, putting at your disposal its own technicians, samples and laboratories.